School Council

Minutes of session:

●        As it was our first session, we spent time introducing ourselves to each other and reminding ourselves what our role is as school councillors. 

●        Our new school councillors felt it was important for us to be role models around school and be excellent examples of our school rules.


We understand that the role of a School Council Representative involves:


●         Setting a good example to others in and around Mansel Park

●         Being an incredible role model to others

●         Attending regular meetings

●         Encouraging other pupils to use their voice and share their ideas

●         Listening to our peers and ensuring everyone is heard

●         Being brave and using our voice in a large group setting

●         Explaining why school council have made decisions and what the impact of these decisions are

●         Continuously reflecting and refining on how we hold discussions to ensure everyone is heard and feels valued



Agreed actions from the meeting:

●        Deadline set for children to attend our next meeting, 20.9.2023, with their class suggestion box which they will create as a class.

●        AOB: N/A


Reading News


Harvest is among us!